About: News


All about eZpedia's changes, improvements and additions.

2011-04-16 - Upgrade - eZpedia upgrades to eZ publish 4.5.0 (Community Project 4.2011)

2010-10-20 - Update - eZpedia adds list of latest github git repository activity to home page layout. Added display of issues related to the git commits displayed. This replaces previous svn activity list.

2010-10-19 - Upgrade - eZpedia upgrades to eZ publish 4.4.0 (and ezoe 5.x)

2009-08-20 - Update - eZpedia adds list of latest pubsvn.ez.no nextgen repository activity to revised home page layout. Added display of issues related to the svn commits displayed. Also adds latest latest pubsvn.ez.no nextgen repository activity rss feed. Also added standard feed icons to templates with eZpedia.

2009-08-19 - Update - eZpedia adds list of latest updated discussions to revised home page layout. Also adds latest discussion rss feed.

2009-08-17 - Update - eZpedia adds list of latest updated articles to revised home page layout. Also adds latest updated content rss feed.

2009-08-16 - Update - eZpedia re-enables support for content diff notification emails. This allows you to see what changed without going to site.

2009-08-16 - Content - eZpedia adds language support for ger-DE, pol-PL and por-PT language translations.

2009-08-09 - Content - eZpedia reorganizes content into minimal namespaces

2009-04-01 - Upgrade - eZpedia upgrades to eZ Publish 4.0.3

2007-08-21 - Upgrade - eZpedia upgrades to eZ publish 3.9.5

2007-09-04 - Upgrade - eZpedia upgrades to eZ publish 3.9.3

2007-01-01 - Press - 'Happy New Year' from the eZ community!

2006-12-19 - Upgrade - eZpedia upgrades to eZ publish 3.9.0.

2006/12/08 - Press - Announced eZpedia on ez.no forum!

2006/11/10 - Content - Added news node!

2006/11/13 - eZpedia updated to the latest eZ online editor 4.1.5

2006/11/09 - Performance - Improved oe performance and toolbar button issue, bug fix.

2006/11/06 - Upgrade - eZ publish to version 3.8.6 + eZ publish online editor to version 4.1.4 + Lucene search plugin

Recent discussions

Recently updated articles

ezpedia.org updated content rss feed
  1. eZ : Main page
  2. Solution : Reseting the admin password in eZ publish
    • @13 | 2024/06/16 @ 20:08:59 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 12; renamed md5 based answers and added first bcrypt answers.
  3. Platform : Solution: Using a parameter from parameter.yml in override.yml in my bundle
    • @16 | 2015/06/19 @ 02:31:03 : Arne B. : History - based on version 15
  4. Template : Compatible with eZ Publish 5
    • @3 | 2015/06/18 @ 18:22:57 : Administrator User : History - based on version 2, Added compatible with eZ Publish 5 template content
  5. eZ : eZ Publish 5.0
  6. eZ : Coding standards
    • @2 | 2015/05/22 @ 08:17:26 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 1, Updated standards doc link with wayback archive mirror. Added content regarding zeta components. Added content regarding PSR and eZ Publish
  7. Platform : Documentation
    • @7 | 2015/05/05 @ 02:28:56 : Heath : History - based on version 6, Added blogs section and partialcontent.com blog link and description
  8. Platform : Clear cache
    • @1 | 2015/04/06 @ 22:55:44 : Heath : History - Added node, 'Clear cache'
  9. eZ : The eZ Song
    • @6 | 2015/04/06 @ 22:51:59 : Heath : History - based on version 5, Test tweet edit #4?
  10. Root : Platform
  11. People : Damien POBEL
  12. Solution : How to use undocumented sort_by clause modified_subnode
    • @1 | 2014/09/06 @ 10:47:31 : Heath : History - Added node, 'How to use undocumented sort_by clause modified_subnode'
  13. Platform : Code Standards
    • @3 | 2014/08/28 @ 14:24:35 : Heath : History - based on version 2, Added reference
  14. eZ : phpStorm
    • @4 | 2014/08/28 @ 14:23:22 : Heath : History - based on version 3, Revised references and headings
  15. Solution : How to add view parameter support to your custom module view
    • @5 | 2014/08/28 @ 10:49:33 : kracker : History - based on version 4, Added quicker way to get view parameters
  16. Solution : How to disable features within ezoe the online editor
    • @1 | 2014/08/25 @ 16:08:49 : Heath : History - Added node, 'How to disable features within ezoe the online editor'
  17. eZ : Module
  18. eZ : Twitter
    • @2 | 2014/01/16 @ 02:28:55 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 1. Replaced twitter search url to new working version
  19. Help : Installation
    • @17 | 2014/01/16 @ 01:54:26 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 16. Replaced pubsvn download links with http://www.ezpedia.org/download/
  20. About : Latest News
    • @61 | 2013/05/08 @ 18:29:01 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 60, updated issue tracker links and added ezecosystem.org link