Learning: Site Access

The site access is a directory that contains a number of configuration files (*.ini files). These ini files define which designs to use and in what order. This is where the override rules are places in the “override.ini” file.

A site access may use a number of designs for a single site.

When a page is rendered, the site access defines which elements from which designs are to be combined to product the end result Eg. the default template is used in combination with a custom css and images to produce the page.

A site access can use a combination of

  • One main design
  • None or several additional designs
  • One standard design

The site access should have at least one main and one standard design. The standard design should always be set to the default design. When eZ publish looks for a specific design file, eg. a css but can’t find it, it then will try to find it in any other designs that are defined in the siteaccess. The last port of call is the standard design, which is why it should always be in the site access.