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Last updated: 2024-07-01T05:08:00Z
Update composer.json

Bump version to 2.4.1
Update composer.json

Version bump xrowextract extension to 2.4.0 release
Updated: Bump version number forward for next version development to begin
Updated: Minor bugfix for the extension usage of content browse view template that requires this change to prevent fatal
Updated: Increment release package version url setting for release
Updated: Set xrowmetadata extension version
Updated: Added xrowmetadata extension

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ezpedia.org updated content rss feed
  1. eZ : Main page
  2. Solution : Reseting the admin password in eZ publish
    • @13 | 2024/06/16 @ 20:08:59 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 12; renamed md5 based answers and added first bcrypt answers.
  3. Platform : Solution: Using a parameter from parameter.yml in override.yml in my bundle
    • @16 | 2015/06/19 @ 02:31:03 : Arne B. : History - based on version 15
  4. Template : Compatible with eZ Publish 5
    • @3 | 2015/06/18 @ 18:22:57 : Administrator User : History - based on version 2, Added compatible with eZ Publish 5 template content
  5. eZ : eZ Publish 5.0
  6. eZ : Coding standards
    • @2 | 2015/05/22 @ 08:17:26 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 1, Updated standards doc link with wayback archive mirror. Added content regarding zeta components. Added content regarding PSR and eZ Publish
  7. Platform : Documentation
    • @7 | 2015/05/05 @ 02:28:56 : Heath : History - based on version 6, Added blogs section and partialcontent.com blog link and description
  8. Platform : Clear cache
    • @1 | 2015/04/06 @ 22:55:44 : Heath : History - Added node, 'Clear cache'
  9. eZ : The eZ Song
    • @6 | 2015/04/06 @ 22:51:59 : Heath : History - based on version 5, Test tweet edit #4?
  10. Root : Platform
  11. People : Damien POBEL
  12. Solution : How to use undocumented sort_by clause modified_subnode
    • @1 | 2014/09/06 @ 10:47:31 : Heath : History - Added node, 'How to use undocumented sort_by clause modified_subnode'
  13. Platform : Code Standards
    • @3 | 2014/08/28 @ 14:24:35 : Heath : History - based on version 2, Added reference
  14. eZ : phpStorm
    • @4 | 2014/08/28 @ 14:23:22 : Heath : History - based on version 3, Revised references and headings
  15. Solution : How to add view parameter support to your custom module view
    • @5 | 2014/08/28 @ 10:49:33 : kracker : History - based on version 4, Added quicker way to get view parameters
  16. Solution : How to disable features within ezoe the online editor
    • @1 | 2014/08/25 @ 16:08:49 : Heath : History - Added node, 'How to disable features within ezoe the online editor'
  17. eZ : Module
  18. eZ : Twitter
    • @2 | 2014/01/16 @ 02:28:55 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 1. Replaced twitter search url to new working version
  19. Help : Installation
    • @17 | 2014/01/16 @ 01:54:26 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 16. Replaced pubsvn download links with http://www.ezpedia.org/download/
  20. About : Latest News
    • @61 | 2013/05/08 @ 18:29:01 : Graham Brookins : History - based on version 60, updated issue tracker links and added ezecosystem.org link