Historical: Negative Feature: eZ publish forums do not use online editor for forum message content input!


eZ publish forums do not use online editor for forum message content input!

Instead you must markup plain text input using psudo ezxml tags typed by hand.

You can not use the online editor to edit forum content on ez.no!


Replace default forum templates which provide forum functionality with templates tuned to meet further forum needs, Like content editor (online editor) instead of text entry.


eZ systems says, "Won't Fix"! - Issue: #009446: Install OE for use in ez.no (user site)

The real solution!

  • Confirm the problem. Secondary confirmation of this as a negative feature of an imature forum base templates and functionality. (Cause people may not care to improve the product)
  • Take Action, Gain the support of the community
  • Take Action, Product community proof of concept templates (solution)
  • ReSubmit to eZ systems (maintainer)

External References