Solution: Patch: Adding view parameter support into custom user extention module view

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This article was written for eZ Publish 3. Prolly before eZ Publish 3.9. To our knowledge this feature has been added within (at least) eZ Publish 4.1


From: Jamie

Date: Tuesday March 22nd 2005, 5:23 pm

Filed under: General

Jamie: If for some odd reason you’d like to be able to use view parameters (userParameters) in user module’s register.php provided by eZ publish, here’s the 5 lines of code you need to add.

After the line:



Then, in your overridden register.tpl, you can access the userParameter like this:


If your URL looks something like:

That is to say, the register.tpl should then work as described here.

The above may not be the most correct/elegant/efficient way to do it, but it works for me, and that’s all I need right now.

And thanks go to Katana on the #ezpublish IRC channel for prodding me in the right direction with the above.

Check out Katana’s formsess project for some clever Smarty-powered forms processing magic type stuff.