Project: eZ ODF - Converting MS Word or PDF on MacOSX 10.4 -10.6
Table of contents:
For some of the nice feature of the ODF extension, like MS Word import and export and PDF generation via you need installed on your server and running as daemon.
You can follow the installation guide from the official ezodf documentation.
Solution: Converting MS Word or PDF on Mac
These instructions were written from the perspective of attempting to manipulating ms word or pdf documents on MacOSX 10.4 -10.6
First install open office, you may prefer to install this MacOS port of open office called, neooffice / neojava.
Step 1, Install NeoJava
Step 2, Follow eZ ODF Installation documentation steps almost to completion (wait till next step before starting daemon).
- Install extension, macro, daemon, etc
Optional, Step 3, Before starting the daemon via command shell ...
Edit the file, extension/ezodf/daemon.php with a PHP editor and change line 40:
$ooexecutable = ""; to $ooexecutable = "/Applications/";
$ooexecutable = ""; to $ooexecutable = "/Applications/";
Start now your daemon.
$ php extension/ezodf/daemon.php
That's all and now you can work with it.
This article was tested with the following
- October 2010
- eZ Publish Open Source Version: 4.4
- eZ Publish Open Source Version: 3.2
- October 2007: XAMPP for MacOS X 0.7.0, 7
- eZ Publish Version: 4.0.0rc1
- PHP Version: 5.2.4
- October 2007: XAMPP for MacOS X 0.7.0, 7
- Functionality tested, Import / Export .doc and Export PDF
- Webserver software, ApacheFriends' Xampp
- eZ Publish Version: 3.10.0
- PHP Version: 4.4.7
- Perhaps of bug in Online Editor < 5.0