View parameters


 You can use view parameters to pass variables to a template.

View paramters are not normally cached.

View parameters availability

Remember view parameters are by default available only within the context of the content module and it's views.

All other modules (by default) do not support this feature.

The recommended alternative to view parameters in these situations would be using get / post parameters instead.

Cache block requirements when using GET/POST parameters instead of view parameters

Remember view parameters are not normally cached. This is very helpful to most developers.

If you do use get/post parameters instead of view parameters ... please, remember that the developer using get/post parameters -must- also add cache-blocks to the templates in question where the get/post parameters are used.

Cache blocks are required as the get/post parameters would be cached without the cache blocks and the values of the get/post parameters would not change (the values would be served from cache instead).

Parameters available within the layout/set module view

Since view parameters are available via the content module by default you should not try to use them within the context of the layout module or it's views like the popular layout/set view.

More specifically view parameters may not be available (or contain content) within the layout/set module view if view caching is enabled. One developer reported them existing without view cache but that they were not usable.

The recommended alternative to view parameters in these situations would be using get / post parameters instead.




External References