Friday 12 June 2015 2:47:09 am
eZpedia content notification service restored
Hello eZpedia,
Today eZpedia's content (change diff) notifications service was restored.
The service was disabled around 05/20/2011 after the upgrade from 4.4.0 to 4.2011 when a fatal error was discovered due to the content diff feature extension, 'bccontentdiffnotifications' code had not been upgraded to include a required php code syntax issue and the eZTemplate::factory() api change.
This change was made today and is available for review here:
As a result of the service being restored, a backlog of notifications from 05/20/2011 to today were sent.
Apologies for the extended notification service interruption. We will do better to ensure this does not happen again.
If you would like to be notified (via email) of changes to eZpedia's content feel free to create an account, activate your account (requires email activation), login to and use the 'Keep me updated' links on the left hand sidebar menu.
Thank you for your continued support!
Graham Brookins
7x | Formerly Brookins Consulting | eZ Partner |