Learning: Configuration Files

As noted in directory structure, configuration files are located in the /settings directory. They all have a .ini extension.

Each configuration file controls a part of the system, eg. image.ini controls the formats allowed, the standard sizes (small, medium, large). The default configuration files contain all directives and provide good comments to explain what each of these does.

The most important of all configuration files is site.ini. This contains important information such as database name, password, design, content, site access, file and email settings.

Configuration files are divided into blocks, each with a collection of relevant settings. Eg.

# Place comment here

[DatabaseSettings] DatabaseImplementation=ezmysql Server=sql.internal.dbserver.site.com Database=aipex User=aipex Password=PaII95q! Charset=iso-8859-1 Socket=disabled

# Make sure to confirm default email address with client

[MailSettings] EmailSender=admin@site.com