

If you are crashing PHP, you may be exceeding certain internal limitations or known issues. It is known that eZ publish can encounter these 'reference' related problems. These are often encountered when pushing a limits, memory, number of objects in a given eZ publish installation's database, running php-cli scripts like the update scripts. The patch mentioned in the article, for php4.4.4 is recommended by many in the eZ community as a possible area for improvement related to the known issues.


  1. What are references?
  2. Who do they affect?
    • Everyone using eZ publish, especially larger eZ publish installation or eZ publish installation with a large number of content objects.
  3. Why should I care?
    • Parts of eZ publish may fail unpredictably.
  4. How do I solve the problem?

Related eZ publish bug reports

  • 9394: Only variables should be passed by reference in eZSearchEngine
  • 9128: Reference bugs in simpleprice
  • 9119: Reference bug in kernel/content/edit.php
  • 9075: references in trunk
  • 8982: Notice: only variables should be assigned by reference
  • 8957: eZPersistenObject::fetch takes definition by reference
  • 8818: Only variables should be assigned by reference [with patch]
  • 8638: Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference ... ezpersistentobject.php on line 1109
  • 8636: Only variables should be assigned by reference ... in ezfloattype.php
  • 8635: "only variable references..." in ezdatetime.php
  • 8476: Wrong Reference usage in eZWorkflowProcess::setParameters
  • 8427: elementByAttributeValue destroys Children array, in eZDOMNode - patch included
  • 8245: Reference bugs in eZContentObjectTree::canCreateClassList and related functions
  • 8183: lastChild in ezdomnode should return reference
  • 7847: content/translations fails on fresh DB installation
  • 7766: notices in 3.7.3 installation wizard
  • 7752: Error when trying to change design of the site (duplicate of 7730)
  • 7730: PHP Error When Changing Look and Feel in Admin site
  • 7726: setup: fatal error at pressing back button
  • 7622: EZSOAP: Server response with arrays deliver false data
  • 7539: Extension action parameter issue
  • 7466: Reference warnings
  • 7455: EZSOAP: Client requests with arrays deliver false data
  • 7336: Errors in code
  • 7326: Reference bug (duplicate of 7313)
  • 7313: Reference issues in 3.7.0
  • 7278: reference notice
  • 7276: eZImage Attribute Problem - no storeData
  • 7189: Reference issues
  • 7168: Some more (reference errors?) when debug is ON
  • 7158: Reference issues
  • 7125: Notification not working, reference issue
  • 7103: New reference bugs
  • 7068: Only variables should be returned by reference in several files
  • 7040: Only variable references should be returned by reference in eztstranslator.php on line 546
  • 7027: Search does not return all results (even none)
  • 6953: 3.7 reference notice partial list
  • 6929: eZ publish 3.7.0 rc1 installation still has the PHP 4.4 reference problem
  • 6879: Reference issue
  • 6867: Connection is broaken, may be this is reference stuffs
  • 6634: Pass by reference error with ezfile.php
  • 5711: critical: eZ root dir got deleted
  • 5633: Call-time pass-by-reference in ezsmtptransport.php
  • 4994: Segfault after a mainParentNodeID call (ezcontentobject)
  • 4960: Warning when creating new workflow
  • 2583: ezdebug: fatal error
  • 1106: PHP Warnings and Parse errors still present!
  • 545: $module should be passed as reference in content action extension support