
For a general description of cache, we recommend cache on Wikipedia.

Types of cache in eZ Publish

eZ publish uses several caches to improve performance:

Cache Name

Short Description


Content view cache

Cached node result.

On publish

Global INI

Recursively removes settings cache. Removes all files under var/cache/ini

On change

INI cache

Recursively removes settings cache. Removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/ini


Codepage cache

Removes the char translation tables.
Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/codepage


Expiry cache


On expire

Class identifier

Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache based on a regular expression.


Sort key cache

Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache based on a regular expression


URL alias cache

Cache contains a mapping of node urls to node ids.

Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/wildcard


Character transformation cache

Cache contains character mapping for url generation, search keywords translation and other.
Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/trans


Image alias

Cache contains all system generated image aliases ( resized images based on uploaded image ).

Clearing that cache causes all images to get re-created.

unused alias are never remove

Template cache

Included templates get cached. When using a lot of template includes that cache directory can contain a lot of files ( {include uri...}in template laguage ).
Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/template


Template block cache

Cache contains all cache blocks ( {cache-block...}in template laguage ).
Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/template-block

Every 2 hours or when content expire

Template override cache

Cached version of the override.ini configuration file.

Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/override


RSS cache

Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/rss (often xml files)

Check setting file

User info cache

Cache contains user permission.

Recursively removes all files under var/<sitefolder>/cache/user-info


Additional cache types in eZ Publish

Clearing cache in eZ Publish

You can clear several caches with the setup/cache view or with the command line script bin/php/ezcache.php.

Additionally, you can configure eZ publish to accommodate further web caching.
