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The problem is versioning is built in (deep) into eZ publish. You can’t just remove it. Thankfully it is fairly configurable so you can extended the base implementation and alter key areas to archive the desired results. Which are more of a way to minimize revisions / hide the revision management.
There are a few issues involved in achieving these results.
Restrict Class Version History (by class) to only two revisions, published or draft.
We found this kind of hack (for 3.4.2) to turn of the draft versioning mechanism: just override the content/edit_draft.tpl with this:
{let last_draft=$object.versions|extract_right(1)[0] content_attributes=$last_draft.contentobject_attributes main_node_id=$last_draft.main_parent_node_id edit_version=$last_draft.version edit_language=$last_draft.translation.language_code attribute_base='ContentObjectAttribute' } {include uri="design:content/edit.tpl"} {/let}
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