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The first online eZpedia board meeting is scheduled at Tuesday the 29th of November 2006, 6:00 PM GMT.
Currently Graham Brookins, Kristof Coomans, Paul Borgermans, Paul Forsyth and Xavier Dutoit have been invited.
Kristof supposed that all invited people would have seen this wiki article, but unfortunately they didn't. Therefor the meeting did not have an official agenda. This is the agenda that was initially proposed:
Present: Kristof Coomans, Paul Borgermans, Paul Forsyth and Xavier Dutoit
Absent: Graham Brookins (excused afterwards)
eZpedia likes to import the old community documentation from There are several ways to grab the content:
We decided to ask eZ systems for a content object package first. Kristof will contact Jennifer Zickerman, Manager of Knowledge Products.
Paul Forsyth mentions there are even older documentation sites:
We talked about a possible collaboration with eZ systems. Kristof has send some ideas to eZ systems.
Jennifer Zickerman, Manager of Knowledge Products, replied.
Xavier mentions that incorporating something from the community hasn't been eZ system's key strength so far.
Paul Borgermans notes that the old docs need careful review. We should explicitly mark them as being outdated:
Paul Forsyth proposes to let a cron job send out spam mail to maintainers when docs are out of date.
Paul Forsyth asks if we will follow the eZ systems model of having seperate documentation for each new release. Kristof thinks this is not a good idea. What if a new major release contains features you're looking for? This can be an incentive to upgrade. Paul Borgermans adds that having seperate documentation for each release hides the changes between those releases.
Xavier proposes to add tags/keywords with an enhanced objectrelation attribute with version objects (3.5, .6...). If a page applies from 3.8 only, you tag it 3.8 and 3.9. For the few cases there are differences, you simply write it in the doc (as php does for instance). Having several enhanced object relation attributes allows you to use them as filters in a search form.
Kristof notes that you can keep adding attributes for certain criteria while these attributes are irrelevant for certain documentation pages. He rather likes to use ezxml, and the 3.9 enhanced object relations in ezxml (links and embeds). This way of working is similar to Wikipedia.
Xavier notes that having a specific attribute would put a focus on that specific criteria, as opposed to the ezxml embed and link tags. It's also easier to check 3.7 and 3.8 than to embed/link to the 3.7 and 3.8 page, unless you enhance the content/browse interface for this purpose.
Xavier is wondering if we can support some way of autolinking. Kristof replies that he has some ideas. Maybe it can be easily done by a workflow.
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