Solution: Search returns no results found

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When the stock eZ publish search returns 'No Results Found', when results should be found.
Or, i haven’t broke it, it’s stock, there’s data, it should work, it’s not working, what’s different?


I was using eZ publish recently for a web site (really, gasp?!? the audience applauds).

Towards the end of the work I went to polish off the implementation’s search (mostly template overrides to make the look consistent).

Inoticed that while the eZ publish build (3.5.0 at the time) was stock and looked good to go as far as the ezsearch settings were concerned.
Yet I every time, in every location I used the search features I got the dreaded error: “No results were found when searching for...”
What’s the deal? The audience pondered ...


Well the deal as pointed out by the infamous #ezpublish troll, Bedlore.

The problem is infact the database server’s actual databases permissions are set too restrictive to allow the ezsearch component to create the temporary tables required durring a search (yes, it’s true ezsearch does create temporary tables during a search).

In my case I had to run this sql as the database server’s administrator.
After I ran the above sql I found I could use all the eZ publish search feaetures normaly again.

Special thanks to participants: kracker, Bedlore
References: n/a