eZpedia upgraded to eZ Publish Community Project 2014.07.02
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Graham Brookins
Thursday June 18 2015 11:11:37 pm
- eZpedia updated content rss feeds service restored
Hello eZpedia,
Today eZpedia's rss updated feeds (rss feeds based on content updates not publish) were restored.
This service was non-functional since the last upgrade due to eZP api changes.
We have refactored eZpedia's custom rss module view implementation to help ensure that this problem does not occur again.
Apologies for the extended notification service interruption.
If you would like to be notified (via rss) of changes to eZpedia's content feel free to subscribe to our many rss feeds.
Thank you for your continued support!
Graham Brookins
7x | Formerly Brookins Consulting | eZ Partner | http://brookinsconsulting.com/
Graham Brookins
Friday June 12 2015 02:47:09 am
- eZpedia content notification service restored
Hello eZpedia,
Today eZpedia's content (change diff) notifications service was restored.
The service was disabled around 05/20/2011 after the upgrade from 4.4.0 to 4.2011 when a fatal error was discovered due to the content diff feature extension, 'bccontentdiffnotifications' code had not been upgraded to include a required php code syntax issue and the eZTemplate::factory() api change.
This change was made today and is available for review here: https://github.com/brookinsconsul...9961d04629cc2d0a3e426da99aac9f0ff7f7
As a result of the service being restored, a backlog of notifications from 05/20/2011 to today were sent.
Apologies for the extended notification service interruption. We will do better to ensure this does not happen again.
If you would like to be notified (via email) of changes to eZpedia's content feel free to create an account, activate your account (requires email activation), login to eZpedia.org and use the 'Keep me updated' links on the left hand sidebar menu.
Thank you for your continued support!
Graham Brookins
7x | Formerly Brookins Consulting | eZ Partner | http://brookinsconsulting.com/
Graham Brookins
Wednesday June 10 2015 11:27:39 pm
- eZpedia upgraded to eZ Publish Community Project 2014.07.02
Just a brief message (a little late) to inform the community of the recent upgrade of this site from eZ Publish Community Build 4.2011 to eZ Publish Community Build 2014.07.02
I tweeted about the upgrade a little and forgot to mention it on the site:
You can see the version info by visiting, http://ezpedia.org/ezinfo/about
This should once again increase performance and reliability.
Special thanks to Daniel @ YMC.ch for his support of this upgrade!
With this upgrade comes a number of feature improvements to the site.
- New wiki articles and wiki article modifications are tweeted by https://twitter.com/ezpedia
We hope this feature helps users be more aware of the activity on the site
- The GitHub activity (commit list) on the home page was greatly refactored, bugfixed and now links (even more reliably) to corresponding issue tickets in jira.ez.no issue tracker.
We are considering expanding the HomePage's GitHub activity display to include activity from more than just the eZ Publish Legacy GitHub repository as our community continued to grow and evolve into the Symfony community. We may even provide a separate page for displaying more activity. We welcome your thoughts on this feature!
Future improvements:
We are working hard on the following for the community!
- eZpedia data an assets backup downloads will be restored in the near future as a result of our move to better hosting (still provided by the capable YMC.ch).
- eZpedia's sources (latest version) are being prepared to be re-released to the community via GitHub. This will mean that anyone can once again build their own copy of eZpedia (with the same database data; minus user keys) and contribute improvements to the site. For those who remember we released the sources of most key components and instructions needed build your own copy of eZpedia via svn.projects.ez.no/ezpedia long ago. Soon we will do one better by providing a complete copy of the same code which powers this site to everyone which will be much easier to use and install.
Want eZpedia to do something different? Please let us know what you think!
7x | Formerly Brookins Consulting | eZ Partner | http://brookinsconsulting.com/
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