The code above works with eZ publish 3.8 and 3.9.
You can remove policy checking by removing the conditional structures with $canManageLocations and $canCreate
Since eZ publish 3.8, the publish operation doesn't need to be executed anymore when adding new locations for objects which are already in the node tree.
The following code was based on a part of the action view of the content module (kernel/content/action.php). The known variables are:
$object =& $node->attribute( 'object' ); $objectID = $object->attribute( 'id' ); include_once( 'kernel/classes/datatypes/ezuser/ezuser.php' ); $user =& eZUser::currentUser(); $canManageLocations = $object->checkAccess( 'edit' ) || $user->attribute( 'has_manage_locations' ); if ( $canManageLocations ) { $nodeAssignmentList = eZNodeAssignment::fetchForObject( $objectID, $object->attribute( 'current_version' ), 0, false ); $assignedNodes =& $object->assignedNodes(); $objectID = $object->attribute( 'id' ); $parentNodeIDArray = array(); $setMainNode = false; $hasMainNode = false; foreach ( $assignedNodes as $assignedNode ) { $assignedNodeID = $assignedNode->attribute( 'node_id' ); if ( $assignedNode->attribute( 'is_main' ) ) { $hasMainNode = true; } $append = false; foreach ( $nodeAssignmentList as $nodeAssignment ) { if ( $nodeAssignment['parent_node'] == $assignedNode->attribute( 'parent_node_id' ) ) { $append = true; break; } } if ( $append ) { $parentNodeIDArray[] = $assignedNode->attribute( 'parent_node_id' ); } } if ( !$hasMainNode ) { $setMainNode = true; } include_once( 'lib/ezdb/classes/ezdb.php'); $db =& eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $locationAdded = false; foreach ( $selectedNodeIDArray as $selectedNodeID ) { if ( !in_array( $selectedNodeID, $parentNodeIDArray ) ) { $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $selectedNodeID ); $parentNodeObject =& $parentNode->attribute( 'object' ); $canCreate = ( ( $parentNode->checkAccess( 'create', $object->attribute( 'contentclass_id' ), $parentNodeObject->attribute( 'contentclass_id' ) ) == 1 ) || ( $parentNode->canAddLocation() && $node->canRead() ) ); if ( $canCreate ) { $insertedNode =& $object->addLocation( $selectedNodeID, true ); // Now set is as published and fix main_node_id $insertedNode->setAttribute( 'contentobject_is_published', 1 ); $insertedNode->setAttribute( 'main_node_id', $node->attribute( 'main_node_id' ) ); $insertedNode->setAttribute( 'contentobject_version', $node->attribute( 'contentobject_version' ) ); // Make sure the path_identification_string is set correctly. $insertedNode->updateSubTreePath(); $insertedNode->sync(); $locationAdded = true; } } } if ( $locationAdded ) { include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php' ); $ini =& eZINI::instance(); $userClassID = $ini->variable( "UserSettings", "UserClassID" ); if ( $object->attribute( 'contentclass_id' ) == $userClassID ) { eZUser::cleanupCache(); } } $db->commit(); include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezcontentcachemanager.php' ); eZContentCacheManager::clearContentCacheIfNeeded( $objectID ); }
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