There is no one ideal way of managing content. eZ publish doesn’t pretend to be all things to all people, no one solution can be. What eZ publish does offer is a well thought out and constructed administration interface that is logical and easy to learn.
On the users side, most people can grasp the basics in an hour. People using eZ publish over time soon learn the advanced features that can make managing content quicker and easier.
On the administrator / developer side, the core features are in place and can easily be extended to allow for customized content & site structures as well as modifying the presentation layer to meet your client’s needs.
However, eZ publish isn’t the be all and end all, what it does it does very well and compares favourably with other systems. Whether it’s the right system for your needs will depend on the nature of your project. There are some systems that focus only on ecommerce (eg. OSCommerce) which will have more in built shopping features that eZ publish, but for a standard shop, eZ publish is more than suitable. Where eZ publish wins over the more specific systems is in it’s ability to be modified and extended to meet specific needs. In reality, eZ publish can be used for a wide variety of projects, whether it’s the right tool for a particular project will depend on how much modification is required in comparison to more specialized tools.
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