You might have to double check certain things when an extension does not seem to work.
The INI system does not automatically trim values, so any trailing whitespace behind a setting value will be part of the value.
Consider an extension called "myextension" containing template operators. In the site.ini.append.php of the extension, you will find something like this:
This will instruct the template system to look for a file extension/ezxajax/autoloads/eztemplateautoload.php. In this file, there's information on which classes in the extension contain which template operators.
However, if there is a space behind ExtensionAutoloadPath[]=myextension, it will try to find the file "extension/myextension /autoloads/eztemplateautoload.php", which of course does not exists.
Consider the following code:
ExtensionAutoloadPath[] will re-initialize the setting again as an array, and any items added to the array in previously loaded setting files are lost.
Settings files can break and halt reading and processing default required settings which is known to developers to cause strange behavior if they introduce settings file syntax errors. Especially in core default settings files like site.ini
The solution naturally is to validate your settings files syntax manually (or with custom tools to detect syntax errors within settings files values). Often developers will review in detail their most recently modified settings files chronologically.
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