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Git for eZ Publish
Wikipedia on Git!
It's a recommended best practice to stop using traditional pastebin web site services to share source code files and snippets as this delivers overall poor features long term. Instead it is strongly recommended to use GitHub Gists to share almost any text based content via a web browser in seconds, it makes sharing source code examples more simple and more useful to the other party recieving and using these shared source code examples.
Use of Subversion for your eZ Publish projects is now deprecated.
The business and community projects for eZ Publish are all (slowly) migrating to using Git for version control.
We strongly recommend you replacing your Subversion usage with Git today.
eZ Systems now distributes the eZ Publish source code with Git repositories hosted on
eZ Systems also now distributes most of the currently supported eZ Publish Extension(s) source code with Git repositories hosted on
The eZ Community and eZ Ecosystem world wide is progressively migrating their own use of version control in their own development projects to Git (and many also to GitHub). has been modified to support projects which use GitHub to host their project extension source code.
The currently supported extensions from eZ Systems are almost all hosted now on GitHub directly at
The following are just a few pioneering eZ Publish developers which distribute their extensions with Git on GitHub
These references come from before eZ Systems officially began to use, support and migrate most of their currently supported software to git for version control and GitHub for hosting, distribution and collaboration.
Article provided by eZpedia
All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License
Powered by eZ Publish 6.0.2stable
Hosted by USA eZ Publish Community Partner : Brookins Consulting