Table of contents:
eZ publish empty translation creation. ezlupdate is the general way to create .ts ( located in share/translations or extension/ezexample/translations ) files for the system (eZ publish)
Please read the README installation instructions.
The linguist is not provided with eZ publish 3, as this is distributed in the Qt library available from Trolltech.
The following assumes that you are building under unix. If you have a commercial licence of Qt for Windows and/or Mac OS X, you can build it in a similar way. If you don't have such a licence, you can get binaries from eZ systems.
First, make sure that you have the Qt library installed. If you use a package system such as RPM, make sure that you also have the qt-devel package. You need version 4.0 of the Qt library.
If you build ezlupdate against the Qt/X11 library, it will require X11 to run, even though it is a console program. If you have installed eZ publish on a server without X11 it is recommended that you build ezlupdate against Qt/embedded.
eZ publish 3 requires two programs to create and maintain translations, 'ezlupdate' and 'linguist'.
These programs are based on the same tools from the Qt toolkit by Trolltech ( The unix version of this toolkit is released under the GPL. eZ systems will provide binaries for Windows and Mac OS X.
The linguist is unmodified from the Qt original, so you also can get this from other sources, such as RPMs. ezlupdate is modified to make it understand eZ publish files.
Since Apple has broken compatibility with PowerPC compiled programs on Lion, you will not be able to use the binary provided for previous OS X versions :
You can now very simply build (from sources) and install the ezlupdate program using Homebrew on Apple OSX computers.
Just install Homebrew and type `brew install ezlupdate` in your favorite terminal.
Notes :
If you don't have qt4-mac, install it with macports
Then, go inside support/ezlupdate-qt4.5/ezlupdate and run
The binary will be compiled and placed into bin/macosx/ so you might want to copy it in a location that is in your PATH environment variable.
Interesting and related blog post :
Article provided by eZpedia
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