Some ground rules to follow before putting a test order through eZ publish:
- If you want to test in a development environment i.e. without putting live transactions through, you will need a PayPal Developer Central account and a PayPal Sandbox. A Sandbox is a carbon-copy of the live system except that no money changes hands.
- In order to receive payments in your Sandbox you will need to make sure it is a Premium or Business account.
- In your Sandbox account enable IPN by going to 'Profile > Instant Payment Notification Settings' and providing the URL of your notify_url script e.g. ''.
- Make sure you confirm your email address, plus create and confirm a bank account. If you skip this step you will not be able to put any successful orders through from eZ publish. Refer to the documentation for instructions on how to do this because it is different to the live environment.
- Note that no emails are sent from the Sandbox. Instead they are logged in the 'Email' section of your Developer Central account.
- Edit the file, ' settings/override/paypal.ini.append.php'. The main settings you need to change are:
- Business - The email address of the merchant. This should match the email address in your Sandbox account.
- PageStyle - The style to be used on the PayPal pages. Make sure this is either commented out or has a value. If left blank it will generate errors on the PayPal pages.
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External reference