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Each extensions priority is important to consider. To override a design extension like ezwebin you would want to first place your own custom design extension in priority above the ezwebin extension active settings.
A simple example of design extension priority in the site.ini, ExtensionSettings, ActiveAccess settings array of ezpublish settings
A simple example of design extension priority in the site.ini, ExtensionSettings, ActiveExtensions settings array of ezpublish settings
A custom design extension is very simple in that one must simply configure to use a single custom design extension which you provide. Often users simply disable the ezwebin extension from the activation settings both globally and per siteaccess. Then enable your custom design extension at least in one active siteaccess settings or globally.
A simple example of design extension priority in the site.ini, ExtensionSettings, ActiveExtensions settings array of ezpublish settings
Everyone wants to know how to override the default eZ Publish design eZ Webin. eZ Webin is a general design extension which ships in eZ Publish as the default user design extension. The answer starts with the settings. With the correct settings combination you can override the ezwebin design. Often users simply enable their override design extension in a single active siteaccess settings.
Here an example in override/site.ini.append.php
A simple example of design extension priority in the site.ini, ExtensionSettings, ActiveAccess settings array of ezpublish settings
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