A fetch alias provides for a custom fetch based on configuration settings. One could make use of default fetch alias settings and create your own to custom eZ Publish well with the least amount of changes to the system.
You can alter the conditions of a fetch alias used by default within eZ Publish. This provides for changing the conditions of a site fetch using settings modifications. It also provides for moving all your fetches out of template into one location as settings. With your fetches in settings you do not need to customize templates to make modifications.
Here is an example of the settings for a reference of the default fetches available within the default settings of eZ Publish.
Settings File: settings/override/fetchalias.ini.append.php
Template File: extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/override/templates/full/article.tpl
{foreach fetch_alias( comments, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id ) ) as $comment} {node_view_gui view='line' content_node=$comment} {/foreach}
Article provided by eZpedia
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