Table of contents:
The $Result['path'] should be created like this to work proper with the treemenu operator:
$Result['node_id'] = 4711; $Result['path'] = array( array( 'url' => '/content/view/full/2', 'node_id' => 2, 'text' => 'Home', url_alias => '' ), array( 'url' => '/content/view/full/100', 'node_id' => 100, 'text' => 'Something100', url_alias => '/something100' ), array( 'url' => '/content/view/full/200', 'node_id' => 200, 'text' => 'Something200', url_alias => '/something100/something200' ), array( 'url' => false, 'node_id' => 4711, 'text' => 'Something 4711', url_alias => false ) );</pre>
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