from : zurgutt
description: Left menu with indexpage in it.
Here is a hack code for left menu override, which will add indexpage as first item in menu.
Its very strange its not there to begin with - almost all sites need it.
<div id="leftmenu"> <div id="leftmenu-design"> <h3 class="hide">{"Left menu"|i18n("design/base")}</h3> {let docs=treemenu( $module_result.path, is_set( $module_result.node_id )|choose( 2, $module_result.node_id ), ezini( 'MenuContentSettings', 'LeftIdentifierList', 'menu.ini' ), 0, 5 ) depth=1 last_level=0 root_node=fetch( content, node, hash( node_id, 2 ) ) root_node_array=array( hash('id', $root_node.node_id, 'level', 0, 'url_alias', $root_node.url_alias, 'url', $root_node.url, 'text', $, 'is_selected', eq($module_result.node_id, $root_node.node_id) ) ) } <ul> {section var=menu loop=merge($root_node_array, $:docs) last-value} {set last_level=$menu.last|is_array|choose( $menu.level, $menu.last.level )} {section show=and( $last_level|eq( $menu.level ), $menu.number|gt( 1 ) )} </li> {section-else} {section show=and( $last_level|gt( $menu.level ), $menu.number|gt( 1 ) )} </li> {"</ul> </li>"|repeat(sub( $last_level, $menu.level ))} {/section} {/section} {section show=and( $last_level|lt( $menu.level ), $menu.number|gt( 1 ) )} {'<ul><li>'|repeat(sub($menu.level,$last_level,1))} <ul> <li class="menu-level-{$menu.level}"> {section-else} <li class="menu-level-{$menu.level}"> {/section} <a {$menu.is_selected|choose( '', 'class="selected"' )} href={$menu.url_alias|ezurl}>{$menu.text|shorten( 25 )}</a> {set depth=$menu.level} {/section} </li> {section show=sub( $depth, 0 )|gt( 0 ) loop=sub( $depth, 0 )} </ul> </li> {/section} </ul> {/let} </div> </div>
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