Table of contents:
I am using fetch and need to use a view_parameter to filter the data ...
Sort. I need to sort the items by first letter (a , b , c , d ...)
Group. I need the items 'grouped' by letter
<awormus> and I didn't want to do a "first letter" attribute which would have been silly :)
Try using the alphabet navigator features added in 3.9
I prefer this solution these days rather than more custom code.
{def $items = fetch( 'content', 'list', hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id,'sort_by', array( 'name', true() )) ) } {foreach $items as $item} {if $item.data_map.term_term.value|begins_with($view_parameters.view)} <div> <span class="subheaders">{$item.data_map.term_term.value}: </span> <span class="content"> {$foo.data_map.term_description.value} </span> </div> {/if} {/foreach}
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