eZpedia : The Free eZ Publish CMS Documentation Encyclopedia

Learning: Versions

A commonly requested feature in content management systems is version control. eZ publish provides this at the object level.

An individual object can have multiple versions. The current version of the object is called the “published” version. All other versions are called “drafts”

Each time the content of an object is modified, ez publish creates a new version (draft) of the object. This means it’s possible to see who made what changes to an object at any point in time.

Drafts can be created by different users. To access a prevision version of an object, you make a copy of the old draft and publish it to make it the “published” version.

By default, eZ publish stores the previous 10 drafts of an object. If there are already 10 versions of an object and a new one is created, the oldest draft is removed. You can increase the number of drafts stored via a configuration file.

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