Extensions doing CSV import:
eZ publish 3.9 comes with new features which make CSV import easier.
CSAPI function for quick object creation and publishing. In addition to the toString and fromString datatype functionality.
A function eZContentFunctions::createAndPublishObject was added to the file, kernel/classes/ezcontentfunctions.php (trunk rev. 17475).
This function allows to easily create an object, populate its attributes with data and publish the object at one node location.
The best information available apears to be in the new feature documentation in svn trunk and the source code itself.
See: ezcontentfunctions.php, ezcsvimport.php, ezcsvexport.php
Extensions doing OpenDocument import:
See RSS.
Extensions doing XML import:
Basic classes for abstracting data imports.
Extensions doing other kinds of import:
Article provided by eZpedia
All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License
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