Please report any issue (bug, negative feature, failure) you may have encountered.
If you have a feature request please edit the suggestion node instead.
Open Bugs
- Issue : When switching between site accesses with different languages, the cookie used for the static-caching-with-user-login hack is deleted. Users should be logged in for all site accesses (except for the admin access of course). We can use the solution described in this forum topic.
- Issue : Upgrade to eZ Publish 4.1 which includes several view count cronjob bug fixes currently preventing update of view count. (Re: <link href="">Bug report</link>)
Missing Features
- Missing Feature : Images : Does not allow for image(s) upload during node editing or otherwise
- Missing Feature : Editor Version Management : Does not allow for node(s) revert (to last or 'n' revision) or restoration unavailable to any community editor (with namespace permissions)!!
Negative Features
Most of these have to do with eZpedia's current reliance on ezdhtml4 instead of ezoe 5.
- Negative Feature : Input Field Spellcheck : OE Right Click Menu (Can not be disabled simply with a checkbox in editor. This prevents Firefox v2.0 spell checking features)
- Negative Feature : Permissions and menu links : Left menu displays edit button without first checking user permission to ensure user does indeed have edit permission for that node before displaying the link.
Most of these have to do with eZpedia's current reliance on ezdhtml4 instead of ezoe 5.
- Issue: Text gets removed when trying to put a link on certain text, bug #10090
Past Failures
Most of these have to do with eZpedia's current reliance on ezdhtml4 instead of ezoe 5. Presently these failures do not apear to be occurring (as of 2009/09/16)
- Issue: Path to icons is not right in eZ online editor help, bug #9338
- Issue: Path to object_insert.png is not right in the eZ Online editor input field, bug #9663
Resolved Issues
- Missing Feature: Show namespace before subject if it's not the main namespace, sitewide. This makes it a lot easier to, for example, link to other articles: RSS exists in both the main namespace as the about namespace and we currently don't see the difference in the browse view.
- Issue : When switching between different language the host becomes, To simplified, should be the unique host and all others accepted hosts should redirect to (it's better for SEO too)
- Negative Feature : Fatal : OE/eZ input parser fails ... often. Requires user to Go->Back to edit out offending parser errors in ezxml markup and save draft properly.
- Issue: When using search in the "insert link" dialog of the eZ Online editor, the link text is lost
- Negative feature: drafts of user objects keep polluting the database. We should automatically remove them with a script on a regular basis via cron. Related bug: #9798
- Issue : Role Permissions : Account settings editing gives permission denied. Meaning users can't edit their account settings (email, etc)
- Issue : Mail headers are sometimes cut off, maybe related to bug #9030
- Issue : OE : OE toolbar buttons do not load desired functionality in opened popup window
- Negative Feature : Performance : OE Popups are very very slow loading
- Negative Feature : Performance : Account activation email, required for login may be slower than expected, but yes it will really eventually send your account activation email --//kracker
- Negative Feature : Account Activation : After normal activation, If you login right afterwords in another window. Upon login you get this non-fatal informational error. "Activate account, Sorry, the key submitted was not a valid key. Account was not activated.".
- Which does not affect the now-logged-in user's feature if the error is ignored. --//kracker
- I'll have a look at it, I guess this is a minor bug in eZ (ui_context not being properly set by user/activate, bug #9434). --kristof