Policies are the rules that provide access to one or more functions of a module. A policy consists of the following:
For example if you want to provide access to an editor to view all content in the system, the policy would look like this
Module |
Function |
Limitation |
content |
All functions |
No limitations |
Or if you wanted to editors to add files but only in the media library, the policy would look like this
Module |
Function |
Limitation |
Content |
create |
Class (file), Section (Media Library) |
If you wanted to create a user that can access the membership area of a website, the policy would look like this
Module |
Function |
Limitation |
Content |
Read |
Section (Members) |
Modules can have different functions, these functions are assigned to the module’s views. A policy that provides access to a module’s function can be restricted by one or more function limitations. eg. the content module has the following functions – read / create / edit / delete / move
This means you can have one group of users that is able to create and edit content but is not able to delete it.
Here are some further examples of function limitations
Limits the function to particular types of objects, eg. file, image, news item
Limits the function to a particular part of the site
Limits the function to the user that created the object
Limits the function to objects within a certain section (this is a common way to create a members only area, you create a member user and then give them read access to this section.
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