

It is possible to create php java bridge as form of proxy using pjb. With a pjb bridge you may call Java from PHP or PHP from Java, in either direction.

Building the PHP / Java bridge

Howto build and install the PHP / Java bridge on Debian

Download php-java-bridge


Decompress the file


Go to the directory


Execute (In order to use this you'll need to have the php4-dev package installed)


After, execute (Be sure to set this to the path where your jdk is installed)


If the ./configure command fails because the automake version is < 1.6 try this :



Select version 1.6 of automake in the update-alternatives dialog and then try to run ./configure again

Now we just need to compile and install, this is done by:


Add this line to php.ini in order to enabled the PHP/Java bridge extension:


External reference