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You might have heard the term hack or kernel hack used by other users of eZ Publish. Well what is a kernel hack in eZ Publish?
An eZ Publish 'Hack' or 'Kernel Hack' is considered any modification to any files or directories outside of the following directories.
Meaning and meant as a general rule as long as you keep your modification to eZ Publish within the above directories; Inside these directories is acceptable and not a hack. Anything within the 'extension' directory is considered an extension, separate and not a hack; even if you don't activate it or use it like a traditional extension.
* Note: 'var/', modifications are allowed and often required. eZ Publish Packages relies on storing package contents within the var/ directory. For example, eZ Publish Site Design Packages, relies storing package contents like css in the var/ directory for design modifications.
I'm sure there are extensions to these general rules and guidelines. This document is a guide not an absolute.
Extensions which contain kernel patches where required to impliment a feature that must be added to the kernel. This is rare that most people need to do this but it is known to exist.
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