Table of contents:
This eZ Publish kernel class provides for the simple PHP based interphase to fetch an original image alias and image alias properties (uri, width, height, etc).
Detailed examples of the methods provided by this class are available within the API documentation.
Brief examples of how to use the class methods are provided in the following solution reference documentation.
Internal manager for the eZImage datatype.
Takes care of image conversion and serialization from and to the internal XML format.
Note:This handler was introduced in eZ Publish 3.3 and will detect older eZImage structures and convert them on the fly.
The XML storage was improved in 3.8, from then it always stores the attribute ID, version and language in the <original> tag. This was required to get the new multi-language features to work.
Article provided by eZpedia
All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License
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Hosted by USA eZ Publish Community Partner : Brookins Consulting