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FAQ For eZ Publish 3

This page contains answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions from the forum.

Preventing php maximum execution time exceeded errors

If loading a page takes very long and then finally you get an fatal error "Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded". What to do now?

If your looking for solution to preventing php maximum execution time exceeded errors, Increasing the max_execution_time PHP setting will mostly fix this problem. However, sometimes there are other solutions to the maximum execution time exceeded errors. You may also see this forum thread.

How do I remove index.php from URLs?

Have a look at this article.

Improving eZ publish environment and performance

If your having performance problems review this forum discussion.

Improving web server performance

If your looking for the very best eZ Publish web server performance have a look at this article on lighttpd.

Disabling language selection when creating content objects

If your looking for a way to disabling language selection durring the creation of content objects in the admin, forum, etc see this forum thread.

Retrieving all packages for eZ Publish 3.8

If your looking for a way to retrieve all packages for an eZ Publish 3.8 installation, consider upgrading x)

Converting encoding from iso-8859-1 to utf-8

If your looking for a way to convert your encoding from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 have a look at this forum thread.

Importing content into eZ Publish

If your looking for solutions to importing content into eZ Publish have a detailed review of this article on import.

Supporting a payment gateway in eZ publish

If your looking for information on how to support a payment gateway in eZ Publish have a thorough review of this article and it's references.

Comparing eZ publish with other software packages

Have a look at this article with references to several different discussions on this topic.

Variable $node is not provided in pagelayout.tpl

This is just one of several different examples of a rather long story ends with the user creating and populating this variable by custom modification within their own pagelayout.tpl as this variable is no longer provided by the default template variables set by eZ Publish internally.

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